🚀 Discover the most complete resource for lifelong career guidance
Over 500 Career Leads all over the world love this kit!
Choosing a career path is not easy in our ever-changing world. That's why we hand-pick the 52 best jobs for the next 10 years. Learn more about jobs like E-sports Coach, Space Pilot, Virtual Identity Defender and much more.
Facilitate discussions and decide on a career that will align with their passions.
Help your students prioritise the right skills to focus on with actionable outcomes.
Give your students aspirations and help them discover a path previously unknown.
The anatomy of a card
On each card, there is a description of the role and an indicator of the level of specialism or study needed to enter that career path. All the roles are linked to one of 5 key 'worlds of work', areas which the experts here at 8billionideas think will define our future.
Finally, each card also contains the attributes, characteristics, and skills a student might need to pursue that career path. Use these to show your students that they can enter industries they never thought possible!